Restore order in wycome
Restore order in wycome

restore order in wycome restore order in wycome

No simple bandits would attack a Dalish camp with such force. Please accept these gifts and my promise of future help whenever it is necessary. Investigate Duke Antoine of Wycome (If Leliana Protected Clan Lavellan) : Josephine, Leliana’s assassination was too under the table and the Clan is blamed for it instead.

restore order in wycome

We had settled in a small unclaimed valley not far from Wycome, a safe place with few rifts-but these bandits may force us to seek a new home. Chapter 4: Clan Lavellan Summary: As Keeper Deshanna’s First, El'lana Aemma Lavellan is sent on her first diplomatic mission, which lies far beyond the familiarity of the Free Marches and her clan. Dragon Age Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I regret that my help for your Dalish allies came too late to be of use. When Ora’s clan asks for help against bandits, he goes to their aid personally, and she begins to see him much differently, too. For the most part, they live entirely underground. This operation will only be available if the Inquisitor is of elven origin and has completed the operation Contact Clan Lavellan with Josephine or Leliana and the main quest In Your Heart Shall Burn. Syrovana is an Introvert and spends most of her time on the hunt, even more so than her clan members in Clan Lavellan when she was there. Protect Clan Lavellan: Leliana or Cullen, Josephine’s political maneuver comes too late to protect the Clan. When Ora's clan asks for help against bandits, he goes to their aid personally, and she begins to see him differently too. I regret to inform you that a contingent of soldiers gathered from other cities in the Free Marches attacked Wycome and slew most of the elves within, including all of the Dalish clan. The Dalish were greatly surprised to see Inquisition soldiers coming to fight on their behalf, but when we broke the line of attacking bandits, the Dalish were quick enough to fight by our side. Our combined forces killed most of the bandits and drove the few survivors away. The Duke of Wycome is an Inquisition ally it is odd for him to let bandits so close to his city. You get 1 Royal Sixteen and Forces (Best).

restore order in wycome

The raiders are well armed and heavily armored, and they come in numbers our hunters cannot match. Though they wear no colors, they are mercenaries, bought and paid for by Duke Antoine of Wycome himself. I understand your Inquisitor must be feeling the loss of his/her clan. Both war table operations unlock similar rewards along either path. Fearing for the sake of his family, Pirith sent Cullen and his FORCES to aid his clan.

Restore order in wycome